About us
Who are We
We are a firm believer that the Word of God is true in all its content, and that faith which pleases God comes only through His word. Our goal is to research those questions you send in and prayerfully provide answers based on our source, His Word. Our vision is to help others gain an understanding of God’s love, and promises, by having information available 24 hours a day. We hope that many will come to know The Sovereign God and accept His free gift of salvation, which comes by faith, and only through His Son Jesus Christ.
Faith Statement
THE BIBLE – We believe that the bible is the inspired word of God, and is without error in its original writing. We trust in all its instructions and promises. 2 Tim 3:16-17.
GOD – We believe in one God, Creator of all things, limitless in knowledge and power, holy, perfect, and eternally existing in three divine Persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 1 John 5:7.
JESUS CHRIST – We believe that Jesus Christ who is coequal with God came to earth as man; the promise Messiah. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit. Born of the Virgin Mary. Lived a sinless life. Was crucified, died, and was raised from the dead. He now sits at the right hand of the Father making intercession for us. By the shedding of His blood. He made provision for the salvation of all people Mat 1:23, John 1:1-3, 14.
THE HOLY SPIRIT – We believe that the Holy Spirit, who is coequal with God and Jesus, was sent by God through His Son, and will dwell in the believers to be their helper and comforter, teaching them all things. John 14:17, 26.
SALVATION – We believe sin has separated man from God. Because of sin all man is in need of salvation, Gods gift, which is available free, by faith, through His Son Jesus Christ. Rom 3:23, Eph 2:8-9.
THE CHURCH – We believe that the church is one body, and Christ is the head of the church. Rom 12:4-5, Col 1:15-18.
WATER BAPTISM – We believe in water baptism by immersion, in the name of the Father, Son (Jesus Christ) & the Holy Spirit. (John 3:5, Mat 28:19, Acts 2:38
THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST – We believe in the Rapture, where Christ Himself would come back for His church, and they shall always be with the Lord. (1 Thes 4:16-17). We believe Christ will come back soon, to defeat the devil, judge the whole world, and establish His kingdom here on earth. Rev 1:7, Rev 20:11-15
HELL – We believe that hell is a real place of everlasting punishment; day and night. Designed by God the Creator for Lucifer also known as the devil, and the angels that rebelled with him. That those who take the mark of the beast will not be forgiven but will go to hell. That those whose name are not found in the book of life will go to hell. Mat 25:41, Rev 20:10-11 & 14-15, Mark 9:48.