Every time I read Exodus 32:19 that says, “And as soon as he approached the camp and he saw the calf and the dancing, Moses’ anger burned; and he threw the tablets from his hands and smashed them at the foot of the mountain.” I feel unsettled.
After all this time, Moses’ actions still give me the chills, and the same words keep popping up in my thoughts, Disrespect, and lack of reverence. I believe Moses’ anger was in the right place, but his action wasn’t.
What Moses held in His hands was Holy writings made by God Himself, and smashing it was a clear indication that Moses never stopped to consider His actions before acted in anger. I have learned a long time ago, that my passion for the Lord could cause me to sin, that is if I let it. Therefore, I must continue to restrain myself, lest I respond in a harsh way because someone is not as passionate for the Lord as I think they should be. Truth is, only God’s Holy Spirit works in the heart of men to change them.
We all have unsurrendered areas that we allow our souls to control. Somehow, it seems like even those of us who are in intimacy with the Lord still struggle with reverencing Him; our fear is not absolute. Moses was angered by what the Israelites did, and he should be. But how hard was it for him to put the holy writing down, in order to deal with the issue at hand?
Our reverence for God must never fall short when we are highly annoyed or angered because it will never be justified. In fact, it is credited best when it is hardest for us to do. God knew Moses’s heart, and I believe, because Moses acted out of love, God extended mercy and grace towards him, so that he could continue in his purpose. God is merciful and will extend mercy and compassion when it is necessary. Ex 34:6, Rom 9:15.
Our God was and still is, longsuffering, patient, merciful, and gracious. He will never change.