Bible Principle for Making and Breaking Vows to God

Numbers Chapter 30

It is in the Old Testament that God established by writing, Bible Principles for our benefit. They are fundamental truths, moral rules that help us to know right and wrong, and they influence our actions. This tells us that the Old Testament has never lost its value, because bible principles never change.  2 Timothy 3:16 reminds us that all scripture is God inspired, and is profitable for teaching, conviction, correction, and instructions in righteousness.

For Timothy and all the New Testament writers, all scripture has always been the Old Testament books. If we were to ignore these books today like some doctrines teaches, we would miss valuable information needed for shaping a successful and righteous lifestyle.

Take Numbers 30 for instance. The Law of Vow that God made

  1. All vows made to God must be kept, or we will be guilty of breaking them.
  2. If an unmarried daughter makes a vow while living in her father’s house, and her father hearing of it forbids it, then it is nullified, and God will forgive her of not keeping her vows. A father has the right to veto. God approves it.
  3. If a married woman living in her husband’s house makes a vow, and her husband hearing of it forbids it, then it is nullified, and God will forgive her of not keeping her vows. A husband has the right to veto. God approves it.
  4. If a widow or divorce woman makes a vow, she must keep her pledge. It cannot be broken. Men, and all women living outside of their father’s house, falls into this category; whatever vow they make before God must be kept.

In verse 14 -15 God says,

But, IF her husband, (a father as well) says NOTHING to her from day to day, THEN HE IS CONFIRMING all her vows and all her oaths that are on her. HE CONFIRMS THEM BY SAYING NOTHING ON THE DAY of his hearing about it.

But if he nullifies them after hearing about it, (meaning he didn’t do it immediately, but decided sometime later, that he wanted to forbid her) he will bear her guilt.” (He, NOT his wife or daughter will be guilty before God)

This is the Law of Vow to God, A PRINCIPLE, which is still ACTIVE today, even if we feel that the Old Testament does not apply to us anymore. 2 Timothy 3:16 written after the New Covenant was established, confirms the existence of the Old Testament as active. In its absence, there is nothing approved by God to teaches us, corrects us, convict us, and instruct us in righteousness.

Pause for a minute and reflect on what that would look like.

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