Glass Half Filled

I am a glass half fill type of person. I have already decided that I believe the Bible no matter what. So even if I do not understand some of it, I still believe what I read is true. My focus is never on the half empty (what I don’t understand yet or what people say has been removed; if that is indeed the truth) but what I have been given. The way I see it is, there is so much to work with, so I concentrate on what I have in my hand.

Take Matthew 13:19. Every time I come across this verse I pause, puzzled by what Jesus is saying to me (remember, read as though it is written to you). “When I hear the word of the kingdom, and do not understand it, then the wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in my heart. WHAT???!! This power that the enemy has really bothers me.

If the enemy has the power to take what was sown in my heart, he has access to the place where all my valuables are, and he can affect what is stored there. That also means he can sow or put things in that pleases him if I am not alert. Even though I do not understand the fullness of this verse; how the enemy does what he does, I accept it as truth because I believe my bible.

In this case, my half full glass is, the true information Jesus has given me. What would fill this glass up, is the revelation of how the enemy does what he does. That is still a mystery to me. And so, I continue to search for truth. Happy hunting!!

I’m Just Sayin!

The Bible

The Bible is sometimes called the Owners Manual for man or human (it’s like the one you get from a manufacturer when you purchase a

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Balaam and Balak

The story of Balaam the Prophet is fascinating. Numbers 22 tells us he received an offer for work from Balak the king of the Moabites. All

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