Not Settling for a Sinful lifestyle

If you are like me, you would have realized by now that not all old habits die after Salvation. Paul the Apostle spoke about his battles in Rom 7:15-19. He struggled, yet never settled, acknowledging instead that there was still a war taking place within him.

Being Born again guarantees many things, including victory over fleshly desires, that is, if we believe and do what the bible prescribes. We are not hopeless like some, as we have been assured that everything we need for life and godliness has been given to us, that includes the ability to resist, and the grace for strength. We no longer have the mindset that we are victims, but we fight, not giving up even when we get to the point of weariness.

“God is loving, understand my struggles, and will love me the way I am” is never the stance we must take when the fight against sin becomes too difficult. He knows the hearts of men, that boundaries are necessary, and is why He has set standards that our lives should mirror. Everything that violates those standards is sin, and sin has its consequences. Scripture has taught us this; If we intentionally settle for a life that God condemns because we are no longer willing to fight, we will be judged accordingly. Is it not written that God call those who did so rebels? We believe what is written, or we don’t. If we do, heaven backs us by strengthening us, but if we don’t, heaven fights against us. Whatever our decisions, we must choose wisely because God has not changed.

This is what we do. Yearn for, pray about, and ask God to develop Self-control in us, as it is vital to our victory against settling. This is the area in the Fruit of the Spirit we would need when faced with strong yearnings and the desire to quit. Having Self-control will not take away sinful desires, but it will strengthen us so that we can walk away and not sin. The struggle is real. But knowing that we are guaranteed victory is greater.

Mat 7:20 tells us, by their fruit you will know them. It speaks about our lifestyle being our greatest Ministry, because without uttering a word we could successfully show, by our actions, what God approves. If we live comfortably in a lifestyle that God rejects, we not only tell the world something other than what is written in scripture but endorse it as God’s way. God said this in Ezekiel “Wherever they went among the nations, they profaned My holy name. And in Isaiah “My name is blasphemed continually all day long.

We must continue fighting even when it’s a struggle, sending a strong message that we have hope, and we trust in God who promised us victory over sin. Don’t give up!

God bless much.

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