The High Cost of Change

Change keeps coming at a very steep price, so much so that it has become a norm to give up what is precious without feeling the impression it makes on our lives. Every year something new is available for our consumption and our enjoyment, and we respond in awe to those changes. We love all that technology has and is offering us. And those responsible for the changes are making a name for themselves by their new and innovative inventions, but can you see how God plans are being altered?

God is becoming less of a major influence in our lives. We live for the new gadgets, embracing them but never for one minute stopping to count the cost, and I am not referring to monetary value. Every creation was given purpose; they have their assigned work. But they are being devalued and substituted. And because inventions make our lives simpler, many of us embrace them without argument. I understand now why this world must be replaced.

The sun has more than one purpose but if any of its assignment is taken away even a little, then it begins to lose its value. The plants need the sun; God designed it that way, so, when artificial lights replace the sun because of convenience, then let’s just admit that we have rejected the plans of God. Computer programs are quickly becoming the source for seeking a mate; God is no longer sought after for His expertise but excluded from the process. This tells us that there is a serious disconnect, and a devaluing of God’s role in our lives.

Our communication, and our need for God is becoming less attractive, because what is being offered is more desirable, so we trade without pausing to reflect.  I say again, change keeps coming at a steep price, and that price is our reliance on God. It was recorded that some of God’s people, the Israelites, did it and we are not afraid to brand them by various names. But history shows that we are now doing the same?

How is it that there is no chatter about this? Why are we not grieving? And have we counted the cost? Every time I see another invention, I think, ‘is this replacing some order that God has set in one of His creations.’ If it is, then my heart becomes sadden, because it is one more thing that says “God, Your plans are outdated, we have created something better. Call it by any name, I say it is still rejection. And while there is nothing much that we could do about these changes, the one thing we could do is acknowledge the cost, then groan and sigh over how God, and His predesigned plans are slowly being phased out.

Have you counted the cost?

I’m just saying!

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