Waiting on God’s Response

Jeremiah 42 is such and encouragement to those of us who struggle with not hearing from God immediately after praying. Verse 4 tells us, Jeremiah prayed to God, bringing a petition before Him for the Children of Israel.

Now it was at the end of ten days that the word of Adonai came to Jeremiah, according to verse 7, reminding us that even though God hears the prayer of the righteous, an immediate response is not always promised. If Jeremiah was like me, he would be looking every day, anxious for God to respond, even though we are told not to be anxious, thinking at night that tomorrow might be that day, but not doubting whether God had heard his prayer.

What we could learn from this.

  1. God is just and perfect in His timing whether it is immediate or not.
  2. Waiting is an essential tool in our relationship with God, therefore we must be trained in the art of waiting.
  3. Waiting is an act of faith; it signifies trusting the One on whom you wait.
  4. Waiting also implies that our hope is active, preventing us from becoming frustrated and hopeless.
  5. Servants are called to wait on the Lord God.

We must renew our minds with examples like these that teach us how our Father in heaven operates, and remember to give thanks while we wait.

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